Barley malt substitutes – their role today and in near future. Part 1 – Sugar adjuncts and barley, corn and rice as cereal adjuncts
brewing adjuncts, barley malt substitutes, sugar adjuncts, starchy adjuncts, barley, corn, riceAbstract
Although barley malt is considered a traditional appropriate raw material for beer production, there are several reasons to introduce alternative sugar or starchy materials into brewing. Economic and market demands play a crucial role in the selection of raw materials. However, different adjuncts bring various technological challenges due to their specific physicochemical properties as well as the degree of processing when entering to the brewery. This review is focused on the current practice as well as on innovations in the use of several barley malt substitutes. The beer production from various proportions of adjuncts is presented step by step and the pros and cons associated with technological changes and equipment are discussed. The impact on sensory character is also considered. The aim of the paper is to offer theoretical background and reveal the latest possibilities for practice.
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